All Saints’ Festival Choir

All Saints’ is lucky to have its own chamber choir. Formed in 1992, and performing to an unequalled professional-sounding level, the All Saints’ Festival Choir is made up of church members and non church members who come together weekly to rehearse and perform around 3 concerts a year of some of the jewels of the classical choral music repertoire. The choir is directed by the church Music Ministry Director, Nicholas Wibberley

All Saints’ Festival Choir consists of singers from all over south east London and mid and west Kent. Although the choir works to a very high standard, there are no auditions, and all are welcome who are able to attend rehearsals. Those with less confidence are encouraged to come to as many rehearsals as they can, to give themselves as much help as possible.

In addition to the concerts, social events are held when practical, which helps with the costs of holding the concerts. Retiring collections at the concerts and donations from social events have been made in aid of various charities. The choir rehearses during term time on Tuesday evenings at 8 pm, with occasional rehearsals at other times.

Rehearsals take place in All Saints’ Church (or Hall), Bark Hart Road, Orpington, BR6 0QD, unless otherwise advised. 

To find out more information, please see the festival choir’s website: